Please Mind The Gap…

8 Nov


Much has been documented in recent times about the ethical treatment of women in the workplace and it is a political argument long fought by activists, going as far back as Emmeline Pankhurst (that lass who chained herself to the Prime Ministers railings for those of you who fell asleep in your history lesson.)

An investigation by the Chartered Institute of Management has today released some genuinely shocking statistics of gender inequality in UK businesses, which would undoubtedly have left the suffragettes spitting in their bonnets… 

According to a nationwide survey, 15% of business women in Britain will essentially work for free the rest of this year! The CMI claims that the average female executive is earning a staggering £500,000 less than her male counterpart, despite the fact they are performing an indistinguishable role. How is it that in the 21st century we are still left with social prejudice towards successful women, who are seemingly deemed as doing a less worthy job due to the fact they have a womb! Surely as a society we are now wholly aware of the notion that a diverse management team is a successful one?

How can anyone justify the idea that a woman deserves such a significantly lower wage packet in comparison to a man in the same position of authority and stature? In this age of ethical activism and freedom of equality, we should not be faced with such stark difference in the treatment of men and women in the corporate domain.


I mean, imagine the horror by the entire male population if the same were to be said in reverse…

3 Responses to “Please Mind The Gap…”

  1. Sarah McCarthy November 8, 2012 at 12:49 am #

    Unbelievable that this is happening in this day an age! Interesting angle.

  2. Mia Webb November 8, 2012 at 8:42 am #

    I believe Sarah Grimke discusses the reverse in roles wonderfully with the saying “women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition”. Women should aim to surpass men and give them the challenge that they give us.

  3. Deirdre November 8, 2012 at 9:39 pm #

    Fantastic observation.

    Women’s position in society has moved forward so much in the last forty years, and yet some males today have still not moved into the 20th century never mind the 21st century.

    Today’s educated and enlightened mothers and fathers need to work hard teach their boys and girls the values of equality, fairness and the value of differences, so they will achieve the best outcomes for themselves, their families, their communities, their companies and the country as a whole.

    We had the suffregettes, the swinging sixties and womens lib, all of which have helped us get to where we are today. But today young women particular need to keep pushing the boundaries, and maintain the impetus, so eventually our children or grandchildren will live in a more ethically equal fair and balanced world.

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